65 Main St Suite 10.  Leominster MA. 01453

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Computer Services at Laptop Castle:

At Home/Office  or  Mail-in

90% of computer services cost less than $50
* not including replacement parts

Computer Repair.    (top)
  • Hard Drives.
  • Motherboards.
  • Laptop LCD Screens.
  • Power Problems.
  • Blue Screens


WHY: Simple, because it does not work anymore.  


Computer Upgrades.   (top)
  • Memory.
    Refers to RAM memory. This affects 60% of the performance of your computer.
  • CPU.
  • Hard Drive.
    An old hard drive is not reliable and can fail at anytime after 5-6 years of use. Plus it runs slow and you may run out of disk space.
  • DVD Recorders.
  • Wireless Cards.
    A must have for every laptop. Less wires behind your desktop. Let us install one for you.

  • TV Cards.
    Watch TV on your computer screen. Change channels with a remote as you do on a regular TV. Record TV on your computer.
  • Video Cards.
  • Operating System.
  • Anything that a computer can do, your computer can do it too.


WHY: After two years every computer starts to become old-fashion. Now the technology advances fast. All programs starting from web browsers and IM programs get upgraded monthly or so and they use more and more computer resources. All this effects your computer and as time goes by your computer starts to run slower and slower. An upgraded computer can do more and can perform fast for over 8 years.

Buy a cheap computer and upgrade / customize it later.  

Networks.     (top)
  • Wireless Network Setup.
  • Add Security.
  • Enable File and Printer Sharing.
  • Range Extenders.
  • Wired networks.


WHY: Most of us have more than one computer at home or in the office. Network is a way of sharing internet connection between more than one computer. A network can do more than just share internet it can also share one printer to many computers and computers can share files between each other as well. A file on one PC can be copy-paste to another one without copying first on a disk or USB drive.

ATTENTION: All wireless routers come UNSECURE from factory. It is important to add security/password to the wireless network to protect yourself.   

Computer Setup.   (top)
  • New computer installation.
  • Moving, no problem we do it for you.
    We will pack the computer and all other devices and install those back as it was in your new home the way you want it.


WHY: When you buy a new computer it comes disassembled and someone has to assemble its pieces together to make it work. When you move from one house to another or if you just want to relocate the computer in the house the same work has to be done. If not done correctly you might get your self in trouble turning the computer back on.  


Remote Assistance.   (top)
  • Over the phone tech assistance.
  • Call us at 978-466-3903 for all your computer needs.


WHY: Things go wrong all the time. It might be your fault or not still it is better to ask a question before trying to fix something that you might not know.

Virus Removal.   (top)
  • Virus Scan you computer.
  • Clean it from viruses and other dangerous programs.
  • Install/Update Antivirus Software.


WHY: Computer viruses are out there and will always be. To be protected is easy and free programs can help you. Keep that antivirus program updated and do not visit suspicious websites or emails.  

Data Backup.   (top)
  • Find the best solution for you to Backup your files.
  • External, internal, or online backups.


WHY: Saving computer files in different media like CD, USB drive beside your hard disk can be the only hope to have that file back in case your computer dies. Be prepared.

Video Monitoring.   (top)
  • At home or office use a computer and a webcam for surveillance. It is cheep and works.
  • Watch what happens at your home or office online.
  • Set a alarm system. 


WHY: Who else do you trust other than your self? Not many, that is why you have to know what happens when you are not home or not at the office.

Website Builder.   (top)
  • We will build your website for you.
  • Find the best solution that works for you.


WHY: Internet is a window to the outside world. A website can allow others to see you and why not you can sell your stuf online.


Recycle eWaste.   (top)

  • We will recycle it for you.
  • eWaste stands for electronic waste. Old or broken electronic equipment are supposed to be recycled. Do not throw these in dumpsters as regular trash. Please recycle old electronics. Best deal is at: 

    AKS Recycling Inc  
    15 Cobbler Dr, Fitchburg, MA 01420  
    (978) 345-9425

    Airport Rd --> Turn to Blueberry Ln --> Road name changes to Cobbler Dr

    If you need help to bring your old electronic stuff there, call us and we will pick up at your home. AKS Recycling fees ($5 per monitor/printer) apply plus a gallon gas fee.




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